New updates on the hostel issue:
It has been said that students who were not getting the offer from the desasiswa originally had asked for a room. Within one day, they were given a DOUBLE room in DM2. And what do they tell us? "There's not enough room for student."
There are also people saying that currently DM2 is not fully occupied. Students who have either transfer away from this campus or did not apply for hostel had also been included in the name list for the hostel in murni, causing some people to have empty space in their room. From reliable source, in desasiswa murni, a lot of the first year students got double room as well as second year students for the girls. Most of these students are said to be inactive in school activities. On the other hand, students from third years are given TRIPLE room instead. The reason from our 'beloved' Kak again is "There is not enough room."
As for the reason for the lateness of the notice of the rooms that we are staying, it was said to be caused by someone arriving late for the meeting to finalized the name list. Again, it doesn't seem to be a good excuse does it? Something to do with the Kak again. As for the list, from what I have heard, someone in the murni office had changed the original name list at the last second, causing us to be kicked out. It is also believed that they only needed 30 over students to be moved to UPPU but somehow, 90 was moved. Currently, there is less than 30 students out of the 90 in the list staying in UPPU as most have move out. More are planning to leave the place as well.
Below is the photo of the UPPU campus:

This is our 'lovely' UPPU campus.( on the 1st and 2nd floor). They are so considerate that they put us on top of a market that sells clothing. Maybe USM students complaint that they have not enought shirt to wear. With all the people passing by, the security seems to be a real problem... And do you know what lies beside the hostel? Scroll down to have a look...

YES, THE MAIN ROAD. Imagine how you can concentrate on studying when there is a main road always full of traffic just a few metres away from where you stay. Furthermore, most of the time, there are Mat Rempit racing on this particular main road at night. Try studing or sleep with the roaring of the motorcycle. No wonder students failure rates at our campus are increasing, even the higher ups seems to be lacking a lot of fibers where it is important- pinky and the XXXXX...

And this is the place where we are suppose to sleep and keep our things... Imagine where you should put your laptop to keep it safe when you go to class. And try and find a space where we can put all our medical books and also the notes safely would'ya? Cause i can't seem to find the place. Who knows? Maybe its just me...USM seems to be serious when they say, ' be friendly to your neightbours'. I never thought that we have to be so intimate sleeping less than one metres apart.By standing up, I can see 15 other people and also their beds and cupboard...

Nevertheless, our hostel admins seems to be quite considerate also. They know that toilets are a neccesity, so , they prepare toilets for use. Erm, just that there's a weee~ bit of problem. 48 person to share 2 toilets...Hmm, should we go to the toilet 3 person at a time? I wonder... If I want to get to class at 8am, I think I should use the toilet before 7am, just to be safe that I am not caught in the traffic jam for work in front of the toilet...

Here's the study room they prepared for us. Noticed anything? There's 2 rows of table, one row on each side. Wonder what will happen when one people sit on each side. I think I need to be as thin as a file to get through. Maybe I'm just too fat, who knows?
There seems to be a no windows for the place too. If you can't afford to pay for a sauna, just invite a few friends, then get a chair and sit down together in this study room. I think you'll get the experience of being in the sauna, and for FREE too!
Actually, apart from the lack of space, few toilets, low security, low personal space, noisy surrounding, poor ventilation, the place isn't too bad after all! Maybe this place could actually be a good place to stay! What do you think?
Wei Ming, seriously, think properly before you chose to come back to this place to further your studies in masters...