Thursday, May 1, 2008

The nuclear effect

<-------A nuclear explosion. KABOOM!
Recently, I've been to a talk, or rather a short briefing about the nuclear effect to us and also the environment. It was actually a briefing for a exhibition in July as I was one of the few students from our campus who volunteered to be the facilitators for the exhibition entitled 'From a Culture of Violence to a Culture of Peace: Transforming the Human Spirit'. To be honest, it was really an interesting topic that I think everyone should think about.

In this age of technologies, everything we used are helped by high-tech gadgets. The gadgets evolve in a flash, for example, we used to walk in order to travel, but now, instead of walking, we have a variety of options for us to choose. From the fat-burning bicycle to the spectrum of four-wheeled drive to the airplanes. While all this technologies are made to make life easier for the human kind, there is other research which threatens to wipe it all out of the face of earth-the nuclear research. The nuclear research has been done for a few decades already, with the effect fully understood by the Japanese(since they took 2 atomic bombs and tasted it first hand, God bless those innocent people!). It caused such a great loss and the effects are long-standing. Even till now, the effects are seen. The instant destruction, the radioactive effect, this are all endangering the civilization of mother earth.

A crater caused by a nuclear explosion. The earth will soon have the surface of the moon if more of these craters are formed...---------->
Personally, I feel that funds from each of the countries should not be put into producing this weapons of mass destruction. They shouldn't even fund those research. The process of forming this weapons only disrupts the harmony of other countries. Other countries will feel threaten and they will then try to produce weapons of their own to. If only people can settle their difference through civilized talk and discussion, we wouldn't even need bow and arrow. Instead, funds should be channeled into helping the poor and unfortunate people. From the information from the talk, as many as 800 million people in the developing world and at least 24 million people in developed and transition economies do not have enough food. Now that sounds more like a place where funds should be channeled, right?

Everyone of us hope to lead a happy life, a comfortable life. We need shelter, water to drink, food to eat and air to breath. Everything else are just to make life more comfortable. But what does the nuclear bombs do?They destroy. They take life away. The nuclear research brings a lot of adverse effects to the environment. Even a nuclear test will harm the environment for long-term. The effects are not only on the surface of earth but also deep into it. Imagine stabbing a person just to test the sharpness of the knife, its definitely the same thing! Millions of people die in the world each year because of illness from polluted air and water.

All in all, we need to be aware of the nuclear effect. People are starting to awake. They are starting to realize the problem. Maybe soon, we might have some proper action on the nuclear effect...