Sunday, June 14, 2009

A game called 'real life'

I believe most of us likes to play computer games, especially role playing games. This is because, in role playing games, we feel more in control and whatever we do might affect the outcome of the game. We might be a hero and save the day, we might be the most notorious villain who killed all the innocents(who would want to be that?If its you, please see a psychiatrist), we might be the dictator who conquer the whole world. The more realistic the game is, the higher chance of it becoming a top-seller. So, I want to introduce you all to a new game. The new game is our real life.

Genre: RRPG(real-life role playing game)
Publisher: Papa mama entertainments Developer: Papa Mama Entertainments
Release Date:The Day You were Born
Age: Present day
Reality Factor: Reality
Type: Action,Romance,Fiction(up to you to decide)
This is as realistic as it gets. You go to jail if you do a crime, you get rewards for doing good deeds, and you die if you are old or sick. And best of all, it goes on and on and on...for your whole life! lolz