Friday, March 6, 2009


What are doctors to us? What kind of person should a doctor be? In my mind, a doctor should be a person who is caring and very knowledgeable. Nevertheless, since entering this course, I have changed my view.

There are a lot of doctors who just wants profit, they couldn't care less for the patient. Some doesn't think too much of money, but they don't think much of their patient either. Some are excellent teachers, who are willing to teach everything they know to you. Some feels that other doctors are a pain in the ass, who will drag them down when they do their work. All in all, doctors are just normal people.

In my four years in medical school, I've only seen a few doctors who I look up to. They are excellent clinicians, yet they do not lack the human side of a doctor. They talk to their patients, they explain to their patients, and they treat the patients like their friend. It is this kind of doctor that gives us the urge to do better, in the hope of being a good doctor like they are. On the other hand, some doctors don't even bother to see their patients. And when they go to the patients bed, they just glance through the patients folder and move on to other things. Some even are rude to the patients.

For example, a doctor went to see her patient. This patient had a lump on the body which has caused her pain for months. She was originally scheduled for surgery on the day before but for some reason, the surgery was called off. When the doctor came, she tell the doctor that she is in pain and is hoping to get the surgery soon. Instead of assuring the patient, she answered her coldly. Her reply was, ' if we can, we will do the surgery, if we can't, we can't la'. The patient was very sad and tears started to drop. The doctor went away without further explanation. Is this the kind of doctor that you would want for yourself?

My friends had an experience that made him extremely depress for one whole week. He was with this specialist for exam when the specialist asked him some questions. Being an extremely bright student, my friend was able to answer most of the question, and then there came the shock. There was one question that he wasn't sure of, but he tried to answer anyway, guess what the response from the specialist was...
Bullshit man! Nah!
That was the response. Imagine the look on my friend's face when I saw him immediately after that exam. haha.

Here's something just for laughs...

Doctors Conference -

Five surgeons from big cities are discussing on who makes the easiest patient to operate on.

The first surgeon, from Singapore, says, "I like to see accountants on my operating table. When you open them up, everything inside is numbered."

The second, from Bangkok, responds, "Yeah, but you should try electricians! Everything inside them is colour coded."

The third surgeon, from Bejing says, "No, I really think librarians are the best, everything inside them is in alphabetical order."

The fourth surgeon, from Jakarta , chimes in, "You know, I like construction workers... those guys always understand when you have a few parts left over."

But the fifth surgeon, from KL , shuts them all up: "You're all wrong. Politicians from Malaysia are the easiest to operate on. There's no guts, no hearts, no balls, no brains and no spines. And the head and the arse are interchangeable!"


Ryan said...

That is interesting !

richard said...

lol. thanx