Saturday, April 19, 2008

Illusion and reality

The illusion and the reality...
Advertisements are a way to trick customers into believing something...Why? Cause they never turn out like the ads. This was taken from the secret recipe, and to be honest, they do have the so called SECRET RECIPE----->small and few instead of the large and well-decorated in the ads...


Anonymous said...

jz stumble across ur blog anyway...judging from the pic i can say it's the secret from tesco...well, tat's the worst Secret u cld hv in terms of QC, nt tat other r tat good tho in maintaining the quality...if u wld reli like to enjoy the recipe, try other secret...I've abandon this one

richard said...

lol,yeah, im abandoning tis one already now.haha

Anonymous said...

Good Job! :)