Lately, some happening around me are really making me very 'emotional unstable'. For one, our doctor, who is really a good man in truth, seems unable to understand his students. His intentions are good, but yet, his approached are less than acceptable. He can easily forget what he told us one day ago and starts to blame us on this and on that. He doesn't care if you have other classes or seminars but when he want to see you, you must be there. He likes to tell you the time of his class and expect you to be early while he comes crawling in after 2 hours. Dicipline, he says is extremely important. Well, that is obviously not seen in you my dear sir.
Another thing is that, I realize that our group isn't even as co-operative too. After discussion with the whole group and reaching a decision, there are individuals that just ignored the decisions and take their own path to do things. If you can't accept the decision, please say so. Don't do things that is beneficial to yourself and will cause trouble for others. You are totally ignorant you stupid girl! You have stood in my way once, and you stood in my way again. One more time and you're history!
Some people likes to act cute and play dumb. Furthermore, they are selfish in learning while expecting others to treat them generously. Responsibility is another thing that the person seriously lack. Please man, be normal a bit! Your histrionic personality just makes me hope that you end up in a psychiatric ward.
Working alongside this kind of people is really an exercise for my heart. And its full time too! Darn...
11 Years
8 years ago
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